Wurlitzer Butterfly Registry Project
From researching and validating serial numbers of existing pianos, Originally, I was fairly confident that the full 88 key Streamline Art Deco models were produced from 1937 to 1939 exclusively. From additional research via trade publications from the era, the Model 1411 was being advertised at least into early 1941. A Wurlitzer sales packet offered to dealers showing 28 different piano models, includes the model 1411 (photo of the packet is available on the "Gallery" page), advertised Feb 1941 in the Music Trade Review. Initially it was difficult to tell how long the model 1411 was sold, because Wurlitzer used both "butterfly" and "symmetrical" interchangeably to describe the 73 key model 235. Recently a piano has come to light with a reported serial number dating it to 1941, but I have not been able to personally verify it. It is the only serial number I have to date beyond 1939.
I am now aware of somewhere in the neighborhood of 45, 88 key "Style 1411" butterfly pianos to date. This isn't an exact number because I don't have all serial numbers recorded. Some instruments could be double counted. One of the goals of this website, is to identify and catalog as many surviving pianos as possible.
Rough Conclusions on the Style 1411
Observations relating to manufacturing years and quantities produced of the Style 1411:
From researching and validating serial numbers of existing pianos, Originally, I was fairly confident that the full 88 key Streamline Art Deco models were produced from 1937 to 1939 exclusively. From additional research via trade publications from the era, the Model 1411 was being advertised at least into early 1941. A Wurlitzer sales packet offered to dealers showing 28 different piano models, includes the model 1411 (photo of the packet is available on the "Gallery" page), advertised Feb 1941 in the Music Trade Review. Initially it was difficult to tell how long the model 1411 was sold, because Wurlitzer used both "butterfly" and "symmetrical" interchangeably to describe the 73 key model 235. Recently a piano has come to light with a reported serial number dating it to 1941, but I have not been able to personally verify it. It is the only serial number I have to date beyond 1939.
I am now aware of somewhere in the neighborhood of 45, 88 key "Style 1411" butterfly pianos to date. This isn't an exact number because I don't have all serial numbers recorded. Some instruments could be double counted. One of the goals of this website, is to identify and catalog as many surviving pianos as possible.
Rough Conclusions on the Style 1411
- Researching company records, I was unable to determine the number of pianos produced. Existing records of pianos produced during this period is significantly small, indicating that the depression, along with other factors may have seriously impacted Wurlitzer piano production. Additionally, the company records are incomplete. A near complete record of a popular upright model, gives a good indication of overall production numbers. I would suspect that model 1411 production would be a small fraction of the popular and less expensive uprights.
- My initial estimate was that less than 100 Deluxe Butterfly Style 1411 pianos were produced. Any numbers or rumors to the contrary, I suspected may have included other butterfly models (pianos with less than 88 keys). I suspect the smaller 73 key butterfly versions had higher production numbers. Recently I have found what I believe to be factory written numbers (pencil or chalk) in various places on the piano, either on the keybed or under the inner lids, which may indicate some sort of attempt at tracking the number of Model 1411s produced. These numbers have been three digit, an example "232" which may relate to it being the 232nd model 1411 manufactured. More physical data is needed.
- The only photo I have located showing more than one Style 1411 piano is from the Wurlitzer Archives, showing two in the same setting played by twins.
- Advertising reference for the Style 1411 finally found. Model numbers are available for the 73 key versions were (230, 235, 236 respectively). Some of the Model 1411 harps have a casting number such as "A-D12-39" which may have had something to do with their production or casting dates. The previous model number "365", I was using to identify this piano is found stamped on the pedal castings of more than one Style 1411.
Observations relating to manufacturing years and quantities produced of the Style 1411:
- No serial numbers have been identified earlier than 1937.
- Piano was first introduced to the public at trade shows in 1937.
- First relevant patent documents surface in 1937.
- The 88 key Butterfly would have been the "top of the line" for this type of piano and quite expensive.
- Wurlitzer reorganized the company in 1935. Many lagging retail stores were sold. All piano manufacturing was consolidated in DeKalb, Il. This would have been the only location for butterfly piano production.
- During World War II, Wurlitzer halted production of all musical instruments completely to support the war effort. This supports not finding anything produced or advertised after 1941.
- After the war, Wurlitzer introduced new models and focused on the electric piano line.

Please help this project.
If you have access to or knowledge of Wurlitzer factory records, Wurlitzer Bulletins, factory photos, catalogs, etc. relating to the production of the Deluxe 88 key Butterfly Grand Piano, please contact us and help contribute to this site. Corrections to this site based on facts or records are greatly appreciated.
If you own or know of the existence of a Butterfly Piano, please contact us so that we may add it to the registry of known instruments.
Starting early 2016, registry documentation will be available on request for 88 Deluxe key models only. Registry documentation will include an official Wurlitzer Butterfly Registry Certificate with registry number, and a facsimile of the original Wurlitzer model 1411 Factory Warranty with your piano's serial number. Contact us for more details.
If you have access to or knowledge of Wurlitzer factory records, Wurlitzer Bulletins, factory photos, catalogs, etc. relating to the production of the Deluxe 88 key Butterfly Grand Piano, please contact us and help contribute to this site. Corrections to this site based on facts or records are greatly appreciated.
If you own or know of the existence of a Butterfly Piano, please contact us so that we may add it to the registry of known instruments.
Starting early 2016, registry documentation will be available on request for 88 Deluxe key models only. Registry documentation will include an official Wurlitzer Butterfly Registry Certificate with registry number, and a facsimile of the original Wurlitzer model 1411 Factory Warranty with your piano's serial number. Contact us for more details.